Acorn Shortage.

There is an acorn shortage this year and biologists are concerned.  They concluded that since last year  there was a bumper crop of acorns, the oaks don’t want to produce them this year. So, what this means is that there will be a food shortage for the wildlife this winter.  Or more to the point, there will be an increased attack on our shrubs and trees this winter.  And given the  size of the deer herd in the backyard, we will need to fence in all of our landscape shrubs.

Bahrain Pig Roast.

A co-worker of mine recently went to Bahrain. While she was there, she said she went to a midnight pig roast in the desert.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that since Bahrain is an Arabic country, it probably wasn’t pig that she was eating.

Oh well, I am sure it was good anyway.

Don Pablos

The other day, Kathy and I were out shopping together when I noted that it was lunch time. Since Don Pablos was just across the street from the shopping mall, I suggest we eat there. However, to my dismay, Don Pablos was gone. The building was razed and a Chopotle was in its place.

I was very disappointed. I really liked Don Pablos. The food wasn’t the greatest but it was all bad either.

I don’t particularly care for Chopotles. If I want to pay $6 for a burrito I will go to the Beltline Bar.

The Dermatologist.

The other day, I went with my wife to the dermatologist.  The visit was interesting. And, it must be big business as the place was packed.

They even had a person to open the door for you. I gather the place caters to the upper middle class.

What is next? Valet parking?

Fruit Cake.

No, I am not blogging about my co-workers but the term does fit some of them.  I am talking about a real fruit cake.

A man claims to have a fruit cake that is 97 year old.  It was part of an inheritance.  In short, it is a family heirloom.

It was baked for Christmas back in 1911.  The thing is rock hard and has a slight spice smell.

In another 3 years, it will be 100.  Hopefully the man will live long enough to see it.

Gov. Blagojevich.

Blagojevich, the Governor of Illinois was arrested yesterday.  It seems he is accused of trying to sell the Senate seat, being vacated by Obama, to the highest bidder.  He replaced the former Governor who is serving 6 years for extortion and racketeering.

I guess when it comes to Illinois politics there is no limit to the corruption.

Church Attire

The church that we attend has a very large number of college students that attend weekly. And, being young, they wear, well, a different type of attire than the rest of us. And it is not so much what the young men wear, it is more of what the young women wear.

Sunday, there was a young woman wearing a red strapless dress. It was very nice and I am sure that it would be wonderful at a Christmas Ball. However, it looked rather out of place at church.

In the past, I have seen young women in skirts so short that you could see their thong as they were walking up the stairs. And, I am sure that their goal was to get the attention of the young men in attendance.

However, while they are getting the attention of men, I am sure that it is not the kind of attention that they were looking for. Most of us men are appalled at their attire and wonder if our daughters dress that way for church.

Such young women must be living away from home as I am sure that no father would let their daughter be seen like that in public.