Thank You for Your Assistance.

I injured my leg a few weeks ago and was walking with a cane. And, because of this injury, it very difficult for me to move rapidly. So, when one of my co-workers came into my office the other day to see if I was ready to attend a meeting, she headed straight for my coat rack.

Thinking that she was going to grab my coat for me, I was delighted at her thoughtfulness. But, my delight was short lived. Instead of grabbing my coat, she picked up a mirror off of my desk and reapplied her lipstick.


The Trash Police.

We got a new trash can in the break area. It is just like the old trash can except that this one has a lid and a set of instructions. “No Liquids!”

In the past, if some one had a cup with some coffee still in it, they just dumped it in the trash. But, no more.

Someone put a half empty cup of pop in the trash. The trash police found it and set it on the counter with a nasty note attached.

Unfortunately, who ever put the cup in the trash probably will not dispose of it properly. Instead, one of my co-workers will get tired of looking at it and dispose of it.  But more to the point, apparently, someone in the office doesn’t have enough work to keep them busy.

Life in the office can be brutal.

The Throne Room – Part 2

Prayer should be a two way street but too often, it is more of a grocery list. We tell God of our needs and problems but we don’t listen for anything from Him. So, when I pray, I sometimes quite my mind and just listen. What you are about to read is a vision that I received while listening. And no, I am not asleep

Journal date 05/25/00.  A vision in prayer.

I entered the throne room again and knelt before the throne. It instantly took off at a high rate of speed. So, I started over again in my meditation. I tried to keep the throne from moving and tried to stay in front of it. It started spinning rapidly, so I started over again in my meditation.

I decided that I was not going to be allowed to start at the beginning like I did yesterday, so I needed a compromise. I would follow the throne as long as it didn’t move too fast.

I followed the throne down the corridor. I tried to talk to the woman and the man again but was pulled away by the throne. Once again, we arrived at the golden pyramid. The throne ascended and I remained at the bottom.

I looked up at the throne and was that it was empty. I tried to take control and put Christ back on the throne but with no luck.

I suddenly realized that He was standing next to me. And, instead of being naked like I was in the past, I was now clothed in a white robe but it wasn’t radiant like His.

He picked me up and carried me up to the throne. I panicked for a moment and wondered if I was dead. I momentarily felt like I did when the Dark Night started. But, I told myself that Christ often carries us just as a shepherd carries a sheep.

As we sat on the throne, he told me how much He loved me and that I belonged to Him for ever. I asked him who all the people were and he said that they were the lost. They rejected Him in life and also in death. That is why they remain in the shadows. They are not speaking to anyone and are only waiting for the Judgment Day.

The throne began moving again down the corridor. I asked if I could do some intercessory praying and He told me that I could.

Suddenly, I was transported with Christ and the throne into a blue sky with a few clouds. We descended into a lush green forest.

At first, I thought that I was being taken into the wilderness as maybe Christ was. He told me that we were in the Garden of Eden. This really surprised me. Why the Garden I asked? He said that He wanted me to see the world without sin. I said that I am a sinner and have no place in the garden. He told me that It didn’t matter because He has paid for my sins and therefore, I am without sin.

I looked at Him and instead of seeing the white robed person, I saw a mummified body. I forced the image of the white robed Christ back into the throne again. Again, the mummy appeared and again I forced the image of the white robed Christ back into the throne. I felt that this was an effort by an evil force to control the vision. We returned to the throne room. I was tired and decided to stop for the session.

Spontaneous Combustion!

A 92 year old Michigan man recently burned to death in his hospital bed. Hospital staff reported finding the man at 12:30am fully engulfed in flames. Since nothing else in the room suffered any fire damage, initial investigation concluded that the fire started with the man himself. The man was not a smoker nor was oxygen in use at the time.

Since there was no immediate cause for the fire, it may have been spontaneous combustion. Talk about your original hot flashes.

Cold Burnt Coffee!

On days when I don’t have a car pooler, I usually swing through the local Micky Ds for some breakfast.  Along with my meal, I get a 12oz decaf.  And, quite often, I find that the coffee is just warm with a burnt taste.

I suspect that when the decaf starts to get burnt, they just take it off the burner and continue to use it rather than make a new pot.  Of course, I don’t discover the bad coffee until I am well down the road, otherwise, I would just take it back.

But, rather than fussing with Micky Ds, I now just stop at the Speedway station.  Their coffee is always fresh and cheaper than Micky Ds.  Plus, they are just down the road.  So, while it may be a bit inconvenient to make another stop, at least I know that I will get a good cup of coffee.

The Lost Sea Lions.

Researchers in Oregon have reported a sudden increase in the number of sea lions off the coast. Current estimates indicate that there are over 1,500 new sea lions in the area. Furthermore, they go on to speculate that these are the same sea lions that left the San Francisco bay a few month earlier. Go figure.

Snail Trails.

A new beauty aid has been discovered; snail slime. That’s right, snail slime. It seems that the slimy stuff that snails leave behind when the crawl is good for wrinkles and acne. So, snail slim is being added to beauty creams along with vitamins and minerals.

Of course, I wonder just how long it will be before people just skip the cream all together and go straight to the snails instead. It could give new meaning to the term “facial”.

Swine Flu Parties.

While some parents are frantic to get swine flu shots for their children and make them wear protective masks, other parents are deliberately exposing their children to the swine flu.

These parents believe that exposure at a young age will strengthen the child’s immune system. So, instead of protecting their child from the flu, they encourage contact with other sick children.

Of course, the AMA finds the practice to be totally unacceptable, but I guess that is to be expected.

When I was a child, I had the mumps, the chicken poxes and measles. So did all of my friends. And, no one died from it though we did get a few days off from school. Now a days, children are vaccinated against these diseases.

I was vaccinated against diseases that did kill children, but that practice has been discontinued in the US. Go figure.

The Throne Room – The Beginning.

A vision in  prayer. Journal 05/24/00

Too often, prayer is a one way street. We present our petitions to God and then leave. We never stop to listen for God. So, I cleared my mind of all thoughts and just sat there meditating, listening to what God might say to me.

Suddenly, I found myself in a dark room. I was kneeling before a golden throne with a crimson cushion. The throne was very ornate and covered with jewels. The person on the throne was dressed in a radiant white gown. The room was dark except for the glow from the throne. I was awe struck and overwhelmed with the love of God and filled with the Holy Spirit.

I did not look at the face but only at the feet. I was too humbled to do any thing but bow before Him. There were holes in the feet so I knew who it was.

I noticed that I was moving from in front of the throne and I couldn’t understand why. So, I repositioned myself in front of the throne. But, I kept moving from in front of the throne. Then I realized that the throne was moving. The throne was slowly turning and I kept repositioning myself to stay in front of the throne. Finally, I stayed still and the throne turned so that I was behind it.

I felt that I was being shunned for some reason. Then the throne started moving slowly away from me.

Soon, I was alone in the dark. I started to be concerned that I was entering into the Dark Night again. Then, I said that if that is what God wants, it is OK with me. So, I started to praise God for His loving kindness and mercy.

Then, it occurred to me that maybe I should follow the throne. So, I started out and caught up with the throne.

As I followed the throne, the light from the throne shown into the darkness. And I could see people lurking in the shadows.

I saw a woman with shoulder length blond hair, who was about my age. I asked her why she was here and where we were, but she said nothing. Next to her was an older man who was balding. I asked him the same questions but still did not receive a reply.

It was getting dark again so I decided to catch up with the throne. As we moved along, I noticed that there were pillars on either side of the corridor that we were traveling along. Next to the pillars in the darkness were all kinds of people. Finally the throne stopped and turned facing me. Again, I fell on my knees before the throne, looking at the feet.

In the room was a huge golden platform that was pyramid shaped. It was maybe 30 feet high and rose up in 2 foot increments such that you could reach the top from any direction.

The throne rose to the top of the platform. I remained on my knees looking at the golden steps.

I felt the gold and it was cold and smooth. I could see my face reflected in the gold. And I realized that I was naked.

At this point, I stopped as I was emotionally drained.