The Odd Couple.

During the World Cup match, Bill Clinton and Mick Jagger were seen sitting together. While I realize that it is not uncommon for ex Presidents and celebrities to socialize together, this one struck me as a really odd combination.

Was this pairing intentional or accidental. Did Bill buy a ticket from a scalper and end up next to Mick? And did he know that there were no women on the field?

I had to wonder if they shared a joint together. No wait, Bill doesn’t inhale.


I take an over-the-counter antihistamine for my allergies. It is suppose to relieve my symptoms but I am not sure if it really works.

If I didn’t take the medication, I could blame my symptoms on not taking the medication. But, if I do take the medication and my symptoms go away, I am never really sure if it is because of the medication or if it is because the allergens has subsided.

The pills are cheap so I just take them until there is snow on the ground.

Wholesale Pot Prices.

The Marijuana industry is reporting that the wholesale marijuana prices are the lowest that they have been since 1990.

Well, first of all, I didn’t realize that there was a formal marijuana industry. And, secondly, I didn’t realize that they kept track of wholesale rates.

But, on a lighter note, beer prices are at an all time high.

I guess one industry had a record crop while the other didn’t.

Do You Sell Papers?

The other weekend, when my daughter and son-in-law were up for a visit, my son-in-law went to the local gas station to buy a Sunday paper. Being unfamiliar with the station, he walked in side and looked around for the papers.

Not seeing any papers, he asked the clerk if they sold papers. The clerk said “Yeah man, here.” At which point in time, he handed him a package of Zig Zag cigarette papers.

My son-in-law said “‘No, not cigarette papers, newspapers.” The clerk said “Oh, sorry dude. The newspapers are outside in the vending machine.”

I guess that is why it is a convenience store.

The Brief Encounter.

The other day, as I was shopping for underwear, I noticed that one brand had an unusual package. It was a heavy duty bag with a zipper on the top.

A few years ago, I bought a sports blanket that came in a heavy duty plastic bag with a zipper on the top. I guess the idea was that you could keep the blanket in the protective bag until you needed it. That way, it would be protected from the elements.

So, maybe the same applies to the underwear. The briefs are kept in their protective bag, away from the elements. That way, when you need a pair, they are clean and dry.

But, since this was not a sporting goods store, I suspect that this was just someones idea of packaging. And, since the briefs were on sale at the same price as the ones in the cheap plastic bags, I suspected that they were not a big seller.

The underwear is nice but I will through the heavy duty plastic bags away.

Dads Inn.

There is a hotel on the south side of Lansing that has changed franchises several times over the 20 years that I have been working in Lansing. The last franchise was a Days Inn. But, apparently the hotel has gone independent. The lighted sign on the outside of the build now says “Dads Inn”.

Given the way that they have handled the name change, I suspect that their rates are really, really low.

No Smoking.

The Capital Area Transit Authority has a bunch of little 4 person shelters at bus stops through out the city. And on the side of these aluminum and Plexiglas booths are the words “No Smoking”. Well, I guess someone must have taken offense by the sign as they set the booth on fire.

The Kabob Pit, NOT

For many months, I have seen a sign on a vacant building that read “Coming Soon, Kabob Pit”. Well, last week I noticed that the sign is now gone. So, I assume that the Kabob Pit is not “Coming Soon”.

But, in looking at the location, I think that it was a bad choice. With a KFC, Long John Silver, Popeye Chicken, Burger King and Mc Donalds, I am not seeing any ethnic foods in the area. No Chinese, no Mexican, just American. There is not even a Subway in the area! So, a Kabob Pit? Not likely to make it in the area.

Location, location, location. I guess the banks agreed.

F22 vs F150

The computer that helps the pilot fly the F22 fighter jet contains 2 million lines of code. The computer that helps the driver of the Ford F150 pickup truck contains 10 million lines of code.

Now, is the F22 easier to operate than the F150 or is the pilot of the F22 smarter than the driver of the F150?

Those Are Not Pine Cones!

I was out walking with a co-worker of mine during my morning break, when we passed under a large pine tree. My co-worker commented that there were pine cones on the ground and bent down to pick one up. I quickly pointed out that those were not pine cones and suggested that there was a large dog in the area.