“Order Up!”

Now that I am living by myself, I often opt for eating breakfast at work.  And, our local cafeteria has a short order cook who will fix any thing that you want for breakfast.

Once the cook has your order, you take your order slip to the cashier and pay for your food.  And, by the time you get back to the grill, your food is ready.

Now, while the cook is fast, the cashier is, well, a little slow.  So, by the time you finally pay your bill, your food is ready.

Heels While You Wait.

A local shoe repair shop advertizes “Heels While You Wait.”  Unfortunately, they fail to state just how long that wait will be.  It could be 10 minutes, an hour, a day or a month.   But regardless, you will wait until they are finished installing your heels.

You’re Looking Much Better Today!

You’re looking much better today!!  I heard that from an elderly woman at church.  Since, I have felt fine all winter, I wasn’t sure what she meant by that remark?

So, I asked others if they thought that I was looking much better, the same, or worse.  And, I got mixed responses.  Some thought that I looked better, some thought that I looked worse and some thought that I looked the same.

Well OK.  Some much for consistency.

3 Dead And 17 Wounded! Chicagos Worst Night Of Gun Violence.

Chicago just experienced their worst night of gun violence ever.  3 dead and 17 wounded.

But wait, all guns are illegal in Chicago!!  Send in the police and have them arrest the shooters!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, while guns are illegal in Chicago, criminals don’t care about that law because they are, well, criminals!  And, it is the law abiding citizens who give up their 2nd amendment right to protect themselves in exchange for being murdered in their own homes.

And the liberals claim that the ancient constitution keeps getting in the way of progress!!  Hello???


My Quest For Pajama; The NBA.

Since it appeared that I would not be able to purchase pajamas with matching tops and bottoms, I decided to just focus on getting lounge pants.  But to my dismay, even lounge pants labeled as “small”, were so long that they came up to my arm pits.

I guess only professional basketball players wear lounge pants.

The Quest For Pajamas; The Department Stores.

In years past, the big department stores always carried pajamas so, it seemed like the department stores were the logical place to start.  So, I hit Kohls, Sears, Pennys, Macys and Target but pretty much found the same selections in all of the stores.

They all had gaudy lounge pants but no pajama sets.  And when I asked the sales clerks, they all looked at me like I was some sort of a freak.

Apparently, no one wears pajamas any more.  And, while my goal is not to sleep in pajamas, I would like to lounge around in something that has matching tops and bottoms.  And so, the quest continues.

My New Toy.

photo (13)Since I am going to be playing at the Grand Rapids Festival for the Arts this year, I needed some equipment for the event.  In particular, I needed a bigger amplifier; one that is powerful enough for an outside event.  And, since I have been thinking about buying this amp for several years, Festival was the gig that pushed me over the top.

It is about 5 foot high and can kick out about 800 watts, it should have enough power for the event.  Plus, it is on wheels and has a build in handle so it is really easy to move.  And, it fits nicely in the back of my minivan.  Festival, here I come!!


My Quest For Pajamas; The Intro.

In years past, I would shower in the evening and then slip into my robe and slippers.  Well, this last winter, I decided to improve on that by switching to fleecy lounge pants and a matching fleecy robe.  And, it worked well.  It kept me warm and was easy to maintain.

But, now that the weather is warm, I need an evening lounging outfit for warm weather.  So, right away, pajamas with a matching robe came to mind.  How hard can that be?  After all, pajamas are a pretty common item.  So, I began my search.