…And I Expect You To Take Over The Program That I Have Started.

A few years back, some one at church started a men’s program because he wanted one.  Then after a few months, that person announced that while he wanted the men’s program, he did not want to be in charge of the program any more.   And therefore, he expected me to take over the program.  When I declined, he got upset with me.  Oh well, he was the one that wanted the program in the first place.

John Hinckley Jr.

John Hinckley Jr. has been released from prison because they feel that he is sane and no longer a threat to society.  If course, they didn’t think that he was a threat to society before he shot President Reagan.  And, if he shoots someone again, they will declare him insane and put him back in prison.  Why don’t I feel good about the system?

Buy One, Get One Free?

Buy One Get One Free.  That is what the sign said above the cat food at the pet store.  So, we picked up two bags.  When we got to the checkout, we learned that if you buy a BAG of cat food, you get a free CAN of cat food.  Some how, that is not what “Buy One Get One Free” means to me.  Oh well.

The Great Cholesterol Myth.

One evening, my wife and I had a discussion about diet and cholesterol.  Since we seemed to have different ideas, I decided to purchase a book on cholesterol.  What we learned from that book was extremely enlightening.  First of all, there is no correlation between diet and cholesterol.  Second, there is no correlation between cholesterol and heart disease.  Third, people who take statins do not live any longer that those who don’t.  So we quit taking our statins and are no longer concerned about eating fats.

Truck Sales Must Be Slow.

I am thinking about buying a pickup truck.  So, I went to a dealership to see what they cost new.  The salesperson asked me if I or any member of my family worked for the corporation.  When I said “No”, the salesperson said that he would give me that discount anyway.

Then I went to the next dealership and was asked the same question.  And when I answered “No” the salesperson said that they would give me that discount anyway.  I am beginning to think that truck sales are slow this time of the year.