Digital Novels.

I used to ‘check out’ books from the library on audio CDs.  These were nice but invariably I would get one with a defective CD.  The CDs soon gave way to books on a self contained digital playback device.  These, in turn, gave way to MP3s down loaded directly to my smart phone.

And while these MP3s are handy to use, you will never have an overdue book because they automatically expire after 21 days.  So, if no one else is waiting to check out the book, you can renew it for another 21 days.  But if some one else wants your book, you are just out of luck.

We Need Fat Pigs!

No, this is not the slogan of a new weight loss program.  It is the cry from some upscale restaurants.  It seems that the demand for leaner hogs is now swinging back to fatter hogs.  Restaurants now want pork chops with red meat and two inches of fat.  I guess the cholesterol myth is starting to die out.

Lost Documents.

I needed the marriage license for my first marriage in order to collect social security for my late wife.  Unfortunately, I was not able to find it so I had to get another copy from the county.  And while I couldn’t find my marriage license, I did fine my birth certificate that I couldn’t find when I applied for a passport.  Amazing!!