The Mystery Man.

When I take my morning break at work, I quite often go for a walk around the neighborhood. And since the neighborhood can get quite bad quite quickly, I stick to the same route and don’t wander off of it.

All summer long, I have been seeing older car, that has been painted black, parked on the street . When I say “painted black” I mean as painted with a paint brush.

And, some times, there is a man sitting in the car. At first, I thought that he was sitting there smoking.  But, in actuality, the man isn’t doing any thing, he is just sitting there.

The car sits on a side street that has a half dozen houses and a dentist office. For a while, I though that the man was waiting for someone in the dentist office. But, then I noticed that the dentist had a parking lot right next to the building. So, I would think that if the man was waiting for someone in the dentist office, he would be in the parking lot instead.

Then, I thought that maybe the guy is a private investigator who is watching a house. Well, that didn’t seem very likely as he didn’t seem to be watching anything. Besides, some times the car is empty.

It does appear that he is waiting for someone. Maybe he is waiting for his lover to arrive home.  Who knows.  When the weather turns bad I will be taking my breaks inside.  I wonder if he will be there come spring?

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