Looking for Mr. Goodenough.

In a recently published book, a 40ish single mom describes how she screwed up her life by looking for Mr. Perfect. During her 20s and 30s, she dated a lot of good men but none were to her perfect standard. Now, she realizes that Mr. Perfect never existed and that all of the good men are gone.

In her book, she emphasizes that instead of looking for Mr. Perfect, you should look for Mr. Goodenough. Mr. Goodenough is not perfect but he is… well… good enough.

Of course, her book has drawn the ire of some women who don’t believe that they should “settle” just for the sake of it. And, if these women don’t want to “settle”, that is fine. It is their choice. Her point is that if you want to find a husband and raise a family, then maybe you shouldn’t be looking for Mr. Perfect because he doesn’t exist.

2 thoughts on “Looking for Mr. Goodenough.

  1. omen don’t want to “settle”, that is fine. It is their choice. Her point is that if you want to find a husband and raise a family, then maybe you shouldn’t be looking for Mr. Perfect because he doesn’t exist.

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