A slice of lime.

I really like the Southwest Chicken Salad that Micky Ds offers. I tell myself that it is healthy because it is a salad. But since it tastes so good, it probably isn’t.

I usually do a drive through and take it back to my office so that I can eat and work at the same time. And because I am doing the drive through, I get napkins, forks and everything that I need in one bag. But, I am always at a loss as what to do with the lime.

Every Southwest Chicken Salad comes with a wedge of lime but what is it for? At first I thought it was to be squeezed on the chicken. But, when I tried that, I found that it did not have much juice in it.

Then I thought that maybe you are suppose to lick it or something. After all, those people in the southwest have some pretty strange traditions like putting a lime slice in their beer. After a couple of licks I decided that it was too bitter and abandoned that idea.

Maybe it is just for looks. Garnish perhaps. Something more for a southwest theme than actual use. But who puts garnish on a salad. After all, by rights, most of a salad is garnish.

I have been in restaurants where they gave you a slice of lemon at the end of the meal so that you can clean your hands. But this seems unlikely since I didn’t actually touch the lettuce with my fingers.

The best that I can do with the lime is to find a home for it in a gin and tonic. Yes!

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