The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Should we be concerned? After all, this calendar has been ticking along for about 2300 years so why does it stop on the winter solstice in 2012? Did the Mayans get bored calculating these astrological events or does something else happen? Maybe they stopped because there was no reason to continue.

Supposedly, there is a major astrological event that occurs on that day. Something about the alignment of our solar system with the milky way. I guess it happens every 26,000 years.

I suspect that there will be a bunch of sky watchers in the Yucatan on that day. After all, if people will fly all over the world just to view a total eclipse of the sun, think of what an event like this will draw. In fact, telescope prices are likely to soar in 2012 so this might be a good time to buy one.

The Mayans believed that the world gets reborn on that day. In fact, they believed that the world has been reborn 5 time already and that the rebirth that we are presently living in is the last. So, in 2012, everything ends.

When the Spanish arrived in the 1500s, the Mayan civilization was gone. Even the remnant that remained did not know about the lost city deep in the jungle. It is as if the whole Mayan civilization disappeared off the face of the earth.

Well, while I am not too concerned about 2012, I wonder if I should check into that early retirement program?

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