Sociopaths Make Great Salespeople.

Sociopaths make great salespeople.  On the surface, they are warm and personable.  But deep down inside, they are cold and calculating.  So, they may seem like your friend.  But if it looks like the sale may fall through, they are happy to stab you in the back and not feel bad about it.

1 thought on “Sociopaths Make Great Salespeople.

  1. That is an interesting qeitsuon about whether there is anything we can agree on anymore. We truly have become so divided that within a hundred feet of any given issue you will find forty opinions. Like the governments latest attack on women’s right to choose what is correct for their health care needs. I watched that hot mess in Issa’s committee yesterday and all I saw was a bunch of fat old clerics making noise about their religious policy concerning birth control…then the second panel finally had two women on it that purported to represent 150+million American women. I know it’s all politics and that makes it 75% bullshit but these people are supposed to be directing the business of the nation not the sexual practices of the individual or the religious freedoms of others. I think for example that because some among us are trying to turn this beautiful land of ours into a Christian based theocracy and giving preachers more and more latitude to preach politics from the pulpit then the first amendment should allow all of their holdings to be taxed at individual rates.No I think McConnel and his “Our first priority above everything else is to make Obama a one term president” has just about fractured us to the point where gangrene is not far off.

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