Today was Lasagna day. So, early I was off to the store. My first stop was Gary’s, the local meat market. Having secured the needed ground beef, it was off to Meijers. A quick swing through the dairy section yielded Parmigiano Reggiano, Ricotta and Mozzarilla cheese. Next isle, International foods. Tomato paste and Lasagna noodles. It is there that I spied it; Oven ready Lasagna noodles!!
What a neat concept! Lasagna noodles ready for the oven! Great!! My biggest complaint with making Lasagna is cooking the noodles. And, it is not that I mind cooking the noodles themselves, rather, it is the size of the pot needed to cook the noodles.
Large noodles require a large pot and the large amount of time needed to bring a large amount of water to a boil. And then, after words, cleaning the large pot as it is too large for the dishwasher. But, if I had noodles that were oven ready, the whole pot issue would vanish!
I picked up the box of noodles to check the price. After all, the more that a food is processed, the more it costs. If the cost is too high, I may opt for the inconvience of the pot and conventional noodles. But wait, the cost is the same! 🙂 Oh happy day! Lasagna without the hassle of the large pot. What will they think of next? Sliced bread?
As I am starting to put the noodles into my cart, I hear a noise. It was the sound of dried noodles in a box. If these noodles are oven ready, how come they sound like the regular, dried noodles? Hum. As a matter of fact, as I peak through the little window in the box, they look like the regular dried Lasagna noodles. I would have expected Oven Ready Lasagna noodles to be already cooked as in already to go into the oven as in “oven ready”. Soft and pliable oven ready. But this appears not to be the case.
A quick survey of the box yields a recipe for, you guessed it, Lasagna. As I read through the recipe, it requires the use of 8 oz of oven ready Lasagna noodles with their special “oven ready” Lasagna sauce. Now, the question that enters my mind is what do they mean by oven ready Lasagna sauce? Do you have to use their sauce in order to take advantage of the “oven ready” noodles? Will my favorite, tried and true, sauce work with these noodles or will the noodles come out tough and chewy? Suspecting the worst, I continue reading the box.
There at the bottom it read “cooking instructions”. Surly this must be something simple as soaking the noodles in boiling water for 15 minutes, much like I do for the dried mushrooms that I get at the asian market. But alas, “bring 4 qts of water to a boil and add the noodles”. Well, it looks like a large pot again or risk tough noodles.:-(
Out of curiosity, I grab a box of conventional Lasagna noodles to compare the difference. Four quarts of boiling water, check. Stir until done, check. Cook time, ah, now there is the difference. Oven ready, 8-10 minutes, conventional, 10-12 minutes.
Somehow, being able to save 2-4 minutes on cook time is really insignificant compared to the amount of time needed to boil the water and clean the pot. I opted for the conventional Lasagna noodles to use with my favorite sauce. As I expected, it took me 15 minutes to bring the water to a boil and 15 minutes to clean the pot afterwards. Perhaps next time I will take the chance and try the oven ready noodles with my non-oven ready sauce. But for now, coventional sauce with conventional noodles.
Thank you so much for this web site I almost ruined my favorite recipe and my mother-nlaw trying it for the first time by not boiling the noodles. So thank you again for clearing this up. Signed Whew.
I am glad I read your article. I to was confused as to what was meant by oven ready. I agree, 2 to 4 minutes isn’t worth it
Just wanted to tell you the cooking instructions were just for the noodles themselves, if you want to make just the noodles for any other dish. For the oven ready lasanga all you do is add about a cup to a cup and a half of water to your sauce, homemade or a 26oz. jar.
Then you assemble lasanga as usual and top with foil, i think the steam from the extra water and the sauce itslef are what cooks the noodles.
It turned out great for me!
I use them all the time and it turns out perfect every time. I don’t even soak them in water to soften them. I even use the Great Value brand. Wonderful time saver!
First of all congratulation for such a great site. I learned a lot reading article here today. I will make sure i visit this site once a day so i can learn more.
Wow, I think you’re way off base here. You really don’t have to precook the noodles. They cook in the lasagna in the oven. The reason the oven ready noodles use oven ready sauce is that the noodles absorb water from the sauce. The oven ready sauce is just waterier! You can use your favorite sauce and add a little water if you prefer. Assemble the lasagna with the dry noodles. Make sure there is sauce covering every noodle. And pop the lasagna in the oven. In the 45min it takes to get the cheese bubbling through the middle, I guarantee your noodles will get the 8-12 minutes of cooking time they need. Try it some time and do your own comparison. I think you’ll be happy. You can also use the regular old noodles. Just make sure to use plenty of sauce. That’s how I’ve been making lasagna for over a decade.
Your topic Oven ready Lasagna noodles was interesting when I found it on Wednesday searching for lasagna noodles”
Thank you! What I was going to make was chicken lasagna rollups, and, of course, you cannot roll up dried noodles. I just wanted to find out if the oven-ready noodles can be softened before they are used, and I know now that they can. I plan not to boil them but only to soak them. Wish me luck!
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