The Rodeo

A few weeks back, Kathy and I went to the rodeo here is Lowell. It was a full featured event including calf roping, bronco busting, bull riding, etc. But the most entertaining part was watching them trying to round up the savvy rodeo seasoned animals after the contestants failed to complete their events.

The calves weren’t so bad as they automatically headed for the gate back to the pens. It was the horses and the bulls that proved to be difficult.

Unlike the calves, they were enjoying their freedom and weren’t interested in being cooped up again. So, they did their best to allude their captures. For the next 10 minutes, they managed to evade horse mounted riders and rodeo clowns. Eventually, it took the skilled rodeo riders to force the animals back into their pens.

Actually, this was the most entertaining part of the rodeo!

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