Usually late Saturday afternoons, I go to the local video store and pick up a couple of videos for the weekend. With my video review guide in hand, I move through the movies alphabetically.
Several month ago when I looking for a couple of videos, a blond skinny 30 something store worker came rushing up to me, introduced herself and asked if she could help me. I thanked her for asking and told her that I was just fine. But, she continued to “hang” with me making small talk about videos.
Overly friendly women, whom I don’t know, make me nervous as I am never sure of their intent. I found her giddy demeanor to be unsettling and when I checked her left hand, I noticed the absence of a wedding ring.
Now, I realize that the absence of a wedding ring doesn’t mean she isn’t married. But, the presence of one is a pretty good indicator that she is married or at least not interested in finding a man.
The other day, I had to drop off a couple of videos. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed her standing outside the building smoking. Now, I haven’t seen this woman since my first encounter several months ago so I was surprised when she said “Hi Ned!” and waved frantically as she came running towards me. Her face was radiant as if she were meeting her lover. We engaged in some small talk as I dropped the videos in the return slot. Then I hopped back in the car and left.
Bad vibes. I never told her my name during the first meeting so she must have looked it up on my video account. More to the point, she remembered it after all these months. Fortunately, I don’t see her regularly in the store so I don’t think she will be a problem. I have no idea what her name is.