The Elevator Ride.

Over the years, I have learned that elevators are not safe places to be, particularly here at the State. So, I was a little concerned when I could see a woman holding the elevator for me even though I was a ways from the door.

When I got on the elevator, I thanked her for holding the door. Then, when I went to push the button for my floor, she said “here, I’ll get it for you.”

Now, this was a woman that I had never seen before, yet she seemed to know what floor I worked on. A quick check of her left hand revealed that she was not wearing a wedding ring.  Bad sign!

I suppose she could have been married and just not wearing a ring. But the way she was gazing at me led me to believe she had romantic interests in mind.

When the elevator arrived at my floor, I started for the door and so did she. Since there were just the two of us on the elevator and since she had pushed the button for another floor, I didn’t really think she intended to get off at my floor.

I suddenly had a sense of urgency that I needed to get out of that elevator NOW! Moving as quickly as I could, I got out of that elevator. Then I heard her whisper “Bye”.

As the doors were closing, I glanced back only to she her standing there making a little waving motion with her hand.

I have got to start using the stairs more.

4 thoughts on “The Elevator Ride.

  1. Pingback: Forever Married

  2. Well. for some strange reason this seems exaggerated but entertaining to say the least.

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