I have been working from our dinning room table the past few days. This means that I have my laptop set up in the same spot where I would normally eat. So, when meal time occurs, I have to close my laptop and relocate it. Then, after I eat, I bring my laptop back to the table.
But, then I got to thinking that my laptop is not that thick so I could just close it up and set my plate on top of it. Kind of like a high tech place mat.
Well, needless to say, my wife did not approve of the idea. Oh well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
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Hey! I dunno how i reached you’re website. something about oven ready noodles but on this subject. i would never do that! because you might press too much on the screen and BAM! no more screen! or a cracked on that no one likes. LOL
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