Prostitution is Now Legal in Rhode Island.

While most people know that prostitution is legal in Nevada, most people don’t realize that prostitution is also legal in Rhode Island. That’s right, Rhode Island.

Back in 1980, in an attempt to crack down on street soliciting, the state amended its laws on prostitution. But, while they cracked down on street soliciting, they forgot to include the actual act of prostitution in the amended law. Thus, while it is illegal to solicit on the street, the actual act of prostitution is legal.

This flaw in the law was discovered in 2003 when a lawyer asked the court to cite what law his client had broken as a prostitute. Upon investigation, it was determined that there was no law against prostitution, only against soliciting.

Since that discovery, numerous stores have opened offering various services to their customers. And, since the services are not solicited, they are all legal.

Now, while some of the citizens of the state are upset by the situation, the state hasn’t been able to raise enough votes to amend the law. Mean while, Asia immigrants are finding new job opportunities in this great land.

I guess “Haircuts Plus” takes on a new meaning.

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