As I have said in the past, I have a love hate relationship with our local Meijer’s (regional grocery chain). Today was one of those annoying days in the store.
First, I went to get some weed and feed. I discovered that there were some bags of it in the store on sale so I picked up a bag. It was as hard as a block of cement so I put it back down. I guess that was why it was on sale. I proceeded outside to the garden section and found what I was looking for.
Next, I needed a ream of computer paper so I headed to the office supply section. No computer paper, nada, zip, all gone. In fact, the only computer supplies that I could find were some blank CDs and I suspect that there days on the shelf are numbered.
I wondered when they took on a whole line of ink cartridges and printer paper if there would be that much demand for it in Lowell. I guess there isn’t because it looks like Meijers is getting out of the printer supply business. Oh well.
My biggest disappointment was in the produce section. First, they had no romaine. They did have some leaf lettuce but it looked like it came from a third world country.
Next, I needed some Delicious apples. Those are one of my favorites because I really like a nice crisp apple. But to my dismay, all they had were Ida Reds. Bah!
Finally, I needed a lime to go with my bottle of gin and my bottle of tonic. With malaria season just around the corner, one can never consume enough tonic. But alas, no limes. A gin and tonic without a lime would be like a BLT without the T. They did have plenty of lemons.
Just out of curiosity, I checked on the supply of artichokes. Sure enough, they were well stocked. I suppose I could start a new trend and put a slice of artichoke in my glass. But, if that trend took off, Meijers would probably run out of those too.
So, todays run to Meijers tells me that they are going out of the computer supply business and apparently out of the produce business. Cascade D&W (local grocery chain for yuppies) here I come. I may get my lime before happy hour starts. 🙂