A vision in prayer. Journal 05/24/00
Too often, prayer is a one way street. We present our petitions to God and then leave. We never stop to listen for God. So, I cleared my mind of all thoughts and just sat there meditating, listening to what God might say to me.
Suddenly, I found myself in a dark room. I was kneeling before a golden throne with a crimson cushion. The throne was very ornate and covered with jewels. The person on the throne was dressed in a radiant white gown. The room was dark except for the glow from the throne. I was awe struck and overwhelmed with the love of God and filled with the Holy Spirit.
I did not look at the face but only at the feet. I was too humbled to do any thing but bow before Him. There were holes in the feet so I knew who it was.
I noticed that I was moving from in front of the throne and I couldn’t understand why. So, I repositioned myself in front of the throne. But, I kept moving from in front of the throne. Then I realized that the throne was moving. The throne was slowly turning and I kept repositioning myself to stay in front of the throne. Finally, I stayed still and the throne turned so that I was behind it.
I felt that I was being shunned for some reason. Then the throne started moving slowly away from me.
Soon, I was alone in the dark. I started to be concerned that I was entering into the Dark Night again. Then, I said that if that is what God wants, it is OK with me. So, I started to praise God for His loving kindness and mercy.
Then, it occurred to me that maybe I should follow the throne. So, I started out and caught up with the throne.
As I followed the throne, the light from the throne shown into the darkness. And I could see people lurking in the shadows.
I saw a woman with shoulder length blond hair, who was about my age. I asked her why she was here and where we were, but she said nothing. Next to her was an older man who was balding. I asked him the same questions but still did not receive a reply.
It was getting dark again so I decided to catch up with the throne. As we moved along, I noticed that there were pillars on either side of the corridor that we were traveling along. Next to the pillars in the darkness were all kinds of people. Finally the throne stopped and turned facing me. Again, I fell on my knees before the throne, looking at the feet.
In the room was a huge golden platform that was pyramid shaped. It was maybe 30 feet high and rose up in 2 foot increments such that you could reach the top from any direction.
The throne rose to the top of the platform. I remained on my knees looking at the golden steps.
I felt the gold and it was cold and smooth. I could see my face reflected in the gold. And I realized that I was naked.
At this point, I stopped as I was emotionally drained.