The other day, we received a very nice Christmas floral arrangement of roses and carnations. When the flowers faded, I decided that we could revive the arrangement by putting in new roses and carnations. So, I headed for a flower shop to buy some red carnations.
When I walked into the shop I was greeted by a young lady who asked if she could help me. She seemed way too happy, so I concluded that she must be seasonal help.
When I told her that I need 6 red carnations, she said that they were all out of red. But, she did say that they had some dark red carnations if I was interested. When I said that dark red would be fine, she smiled and headed for the cooler.
A few moments later, she emerged from the cooler with several bundles of carnations. She said that they were out of the dark red carnations and asked if red and white variegated would work. I told her that the variegated would be just fine. She smiled and said “K”!
She asked if I wanted them delivered. I told her “No”. Then she asked if I wanted them boxed. Again I told her “No”. Finally, she asked if I wanted them in a vase, to which I said “No, just wrap them up in some tissue paper.”
I could tell by the look on her face as she was wrapping them that she was confused. Since I didn’t want them boxed or in a vase, what was I going to do with them? So, finally she asked.
Knowing that I was not going to escape the questions until I provided an answer, I told her that I was going to eat them in a salad. Immediately, her face brightened and she seemed satisfied with my answer.
As I went out the door, she said “enjoy your flowers”!
Wonderfull job! Well done.
Hey, Wonderful work! This is very much helpful for my research and i hope to run through more of your posts someday! How i wish i can see you in person so i can get to know you more.