In an effort to reduce the pigeon population in downtown Lansing, Peregrine Falcons were introduced into the city.
Peregrine Falcons prey mainly on other birds and like to nest in high places like ocean cliffs. So, a city with tall buildings and a lot of pigeons is an ideal match for the Peregrine Falcon.
Unlike most raptors which soar for hours looking for its prey, the Peregrine Falcon sits high on a building and waits. Then, when it sees it intended victim, it takes flight and climbs high into the air.
When it is high enough, the falcon dives down at its prey at speeds estimated to be 180 mph. That’s right, 180 mph. At that speed, the impact instantly kills its prey which tumbles in a clump to the ground. The falcon then glides gracefully to the ground and begins eating its meal.
The other day, I had the opportunity to witness this spectacular event. Looking out of the third floor window of my office, I saw a pigeon flying along. Suddenly, there was a burst of feathers and the pigeon tumbled to the ground. Moments later, the Peregrine Falcon landed and began eating its prey.
After about 15 minutes, the falcon took to the air and left behind what it did not want. A few minutes later, I examined the remains. It consisted only of the feathers and the wings. Everything else was gone.
Reflecting back, I recall seeing bird wings laying of the sidewalks in Lansing but didn’t think much about it. Now I know.
Perhaps if the falcon had had access to some Tabasco Sauce, it may have eaten the wings too.
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