We make our own suet for the bird feeder. I go to the local meat market and buy bags of lard which is usually in the freezer case. Then, I grind it up and render it.
After it is rendered, I pour the hot fat into bread pans at a thickness that will fit our suet feeder. Then, I freeze the pans.
Once the fat is frozen, I remove it from the pans and break it in half. Then, I put the halves into a large plastic bag and stick it back into the freeze. So, when we need some suet, we pull a block of it out of the freezer and put it in the suet feeder.
Usually, when I render out the lard, I produce enough suet to last for 6 months. But lately, we have been feeding some Flickers, so we have been running out of suet about every 6 weeks. So, when we got down to our last brick of suet, I went to the meat market to get some more lard to render.
As usual, I went to the freezer case and picked up three bags of lard. I handed them to the clerk who weighed them up for me and after paying, I was out the door. SOP.
Now, I prefer working with the suet when it is still frozen because it is less gooey. And, such was my plan for this latest batch. Unfortunately, circumstances prohibited me from doing it the same day. So, rather than throwing the lard into the freezer, I put it in the garage. After all, the weather has been cool enough that the lard should be fine out there.
So, when Saturday rolled around again, I got out the grinder and the pot and was ready to start rendering lard. I went to the garage, grabbed the bags of lard and brought them into the kitchen. I reached into the bag and grabbed the first piece of suet.
When I looked at the suet, I noticed that something didn’t seem right. There was a bone in the middle of it. Must be the butcher made a mistake and gave me some bone with the fat. I threw the piece away as it was small and I didn’t want to deal with it. Then I took out the next piece and it too had a bone in the center of it.
A quick inspection of the bags revealed that I had not purchased lard. Instead, I had purchased ham hocks! Eight pounds of them!
I realized that I now had eight pounds of pork that has been sitting in a semi refrigerated environment. And, it was attracting flies. It quickly went into the trash. Tomorrow is another day.
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