Tootsie Rolls.


The other day, the weather was nice so I decided to take a walk in the neighborhood next to the Capitol complex.

The houses next to the complex are quite nice and for the most part, well kept. And, most of them are owned by businesses. But, three blocks over is a bad neighborhood where I could get shot.

Anyway, as I was walking, I noticed a bunch of Tootsie Roll wrappers in the grass of a vacant lot. I thought that this was rather odd. It looked as if someone was just standing there eating candy. Why would some one be standing there eating candy? It is not as if there was buss stop there.

It occurred to me that maybe there was something illegal going on there. Drug perhaps? No, drug dealers usually work out of there cars. They don’t usually stand out on the streets in residential neighborhoods. It is too risky.

As I continued on with my walk, I noticed a similar pile of hard candy wrappers along the side of the road. And again, it looked as if someone was eating candy while they were waiting along the side of the road.

I rounded the corner looking at the side of the road. My curiosity was peaked and I was now focused on the trash on the ground.

When I came upon a bunch of hard candy wrappers and Tootsie Roll wrappers, my suspicions were confirmed. There in the midst of the debris of candy wrappers was a condom wrapper.

I now had a pretty good idea of the crimes that were being committed but why all of the candy? Was she bored? Was she concerned about bad breath? There is a third option that comes to mind but I won’t mention it here.

Anyway, since the grass in all of these locations is mowed weekly, I’d say that business must be good.

I will never be able to look at a Tootsie Roll again without thinking of its other uses.

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