Supreme Court Gun Laws.

In a surprise move, the Supreme of the United States has ruled that the Second Amendment of the Constitution (the right to bear arms) supersedes both state and local gun laws. In short, the court ruled that citizens have the right to own hand guns to protect themselves in their own homes.

This, of course, goes against the gun laws of New Jersey, Chicago and Washington DC. These three locations have long maintained that a ban on hand guns would eliminate violent crimes. Unfortunately, this only prevented law abiding citizens from owning hand guns to protect themselves against common criminals.

The common criminals, of course, possessed illegal hand guns because they were, well, common criminals. And, these common criminals used their illegal handguns against the law abiding citizens of these locations who were unarmed because they were, well, law abiding citizens.

Many years ago, a small town in Georgia was no longer able to afford a police force. So, they mandated that all citizens above the age of 21 be required to carry a hand gun. The result? Crime dropped. No surprise there. After all, criminals may not be very bright, but they do know that citizens that are fore armed are fore warned.

As the old saying goes, “when guns are out lawed, only outlaws will have guns.”

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