Tampons and Sticky Notes.

Last Friday morning, as I went for my daily walk, I noticed, what appeared to be the contents of a woman’s purse, lying on the side of the steps outside of our building. There were 4 tampon with applicators, two still in their wrapper, a tube of hand cream, a hair brush, a tube of lipstick, a packet of Kleenex, several sticky notes and a ball point pen.

Now, in the normal world, most people would think this odd. But, state workers are so used to seeing strange things that I doubt that any one gave it a second look.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera on Friday. Rats!  However, knowing my fellow state workers, I was fairly certain that the contents would still be there come Monday morning.  And,  so they were.

Since this is the area where the smokers hang out, I can only guess that some frantic woman went digging through her purse looking for that loose cigarette.

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