In order to save money and be green, the toilets here at Karmanos only use 1 gallon per flush as opposed to the old 3 gallon per flush variety.
Now these water saving toilets work well for “number one”, but “number two” is a different matter. With number two, you have to flush at least 4 times to get done what needs to be done.
Granted, these toilets do save on water since the average person does a “number one” quite a few more times than a number 2. But, flushing a “number two” does take a bit of patience and determination. In fact, it becomes more of a battle of the wills. “You will go down!”
Most of the times, I win. But, sometimes I just give up and move on. There are some things in life that should not be complicated and this is one of them. I should just be able to pull the handle and leave. No fuss, no muss.
I guess I shouldn’t complain. After all, it is easier than putting out the trash.