Presidential Turkeys.

Every year, someone is selected to donate two turkeys to the President. And, every year, the President “pardons” the turkeys and then gives them away to a zoo of some sort. Well, today, the President got his two turkeys and in keeping with tradition, he “pardoned” them and gave them away.

Personally, I am waiting for a President to actually eat the turkeys. I mean, they weren’t donated as pets, they were donated to be the main course for the Presidents Thanksgiving dinner.

I suspect that these birds were the best of the flock. So, it would seem to me that he insults the donor by not eating them.

Of course, if he did eat the turkeys, the animal rights groups would go nuts.  So, I guess he is better off with a turkey that has already been processed and not used in a photo opt.  Besides, the White  House is probably not prepared to kill and dress a turkey.

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