The news recently announced that Lowell would be getting 5 hybrid refueling stations. Four this year and one next year.
Well, my first response is that I didn’t know that Lowell had that many hybrids with no place to buy electricity. I just figured that if you had a hybrid, you had your own charging station. But, I guess, the charging stations are for travelers and not the locals.
So, the plan is to provide recharging station between Detroit and Grand Rapids. And, this is fine. But why Lowell and why 5? And, since it takes 3 to 8 hours to recharge those batteries, what do the driver and passengers do while they wait?
In reality, I think that when the batteries start getting low, the driver will switch to gas. But, at least Lowell can say that it has 5 hybrid refueling stations. FWIW.