We are getting a traffic light at a major intersection south of Lowell. It is the intersection at Cascade Road and Alden Nash.
Alden Nash is the main road south out of Lowell. It is a major road because it provide expressway access for people living north of the expressway as well as people living south of the expressway.
The intersection of Alden Nash and Cascade road used to be set up so that Aden Nash had the right of way and Cascade Road had to stop for traffic. But, some one got the idea that it should be a four way stop.
A four way stop was not a bad idea but it created a lot of traffic backups on Alden Nash. Even though Alden Nash carried 90% of the traffic at the intersection, everyone had to make a token stop.
On some mornings, traffic could be backed up for over a mile on Alden Nash. And in the evening, traffic would be backed up on the expressway as people were trying to get off at the Lowell exit.
Finally, the county stepped in and decided that the four way stop needed to go. So, we are getting a traffic light.
This is where it gets interesting. In keeping with the standard rules and regulations for installing a traffic light, we are also getting crosswalk lights, curbs on the corners, curb ramps for the handy capped, and about 8 feet of sidewalk.
Of course, the nearest adjoining sidewalk and curb is about 5 miles away in Lowell. So, I doubt that there will be much need for the crosswalk lights any time soon. And given the conservative nature of Lowell Township, I doubt that they will rezone all of that five mile stretch any time soon.
So, while the cross walk lights may be useful for those who walk the road looking for bottles and cans, the general public will look at those lights and say “why?”.
Vineland has handicap curbs at the corners of the Blvd. where the railroad is. This allows handicapped people to go up the curb, up a dirt enbankment, down into a ditch, up onto the railroad tracks and reverse the process on the other side. OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!
I understand!