The State has gone through and replaced all of their light switches with motion detecting light switches. The idea is that if no one is in the room, the lights will automatically shut off. And, if some one enters the room, the lights will automatically turn on.
But, the automatic switch also has an over ride button. This button either turns the lights on or shuts the lights off. If the lights are off and you hit the button, the lights will turn on. If the lights are on and you hit the button, the lights will shut off. And this button is the reason that the whole project is a failure.
When people hit the button to turn on the lights, they assume that the lights will automatically shut off. So, when they leave the room, they don’t bother to shut the lights off. After all, the lights will shut off automatically, right?
Unfortunately, while there was enough time and money to install the special switches, there was not enough time to test the switches. Some of the switches randomly turn on the lights even if there is no one present. Other switches shut off the lights even when there are people in the room. And some of the switches don’t work at all so every one just uses the override button.
I walked into the bathroom this morning and the lights came on automatically. However, by the time I made it to a stall, the lights went out. Fortunately, I have a LED flash light on my key chain.
I made it back to the switch and hit the over ride button but nothing happened. I hit it three or four more times. Still nothing. Finally, I left. There is more than one bathroom in this building.
Another fine waste of tax payers money.