Well, I finally went and did it. I traded in my 1998 Honda Accord for a 2004 Toyota Camry. After 10 years and 194,000 miles, I felt that it was time to retire the old Accord. Besides, I was tired of the color green.
The Camry has about 25,000 miles on it and is the color called “sand”. It is an XLE so it is fully loaded.
The only drawback to the car is that the former owner was a smoker. And while I may not be able to get out all of the smoky smell, I think I can reduce it quite a bit. Saturday, I will go over the seats with leather cleaner and conditioner which I think will help quite a bit.
Actually, I did not go out with the intention of buying a car. I just went out to look at them. But, when I saw this one, I knew it was the one for me. I guess it was love at first sight.
The car is quieter than my old Accord and has a very smooth ride. It has good pickup and handles quite nicely.
I am particularly excited about having a moon roof. We get so very little sunshine here in Michigan so we need to take in all that we can. Hopefully, this will help with our SAD.
All and all, I am very pleased with the car.
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