The FAC auditorium.

The Fine Arts Center auditorium is the largest auditorium at Calvin College. And until the formal chapel was built, it served as the primary location for the chapel and church services.

What makes the auditorium quite interesting are the ceiling lights. There are literally hundreds of spotlights hanging from the ceiling at different heights in a random order. And all of the ceiling lights are on a dimmer switch so that when they are dimmed, it looks like a starry sky.

Well, one morning when it was time for chapel, the lights would not turn on. So the campus electrician was summoned.

The electrician checked the main breaker and it was fine. He checked the dimmer system and it was fine. He checked the distribution panel and it was fine. Perplexed, he climbed out on to the catwalk and unscrewed a bulb and the socket was fine. And, when he screwed the bulb back in, the light came on.

It seems that some pranksters had gotten into the auditorium and unscrewed every light in the ceiling. It took the staff several hours to screw the lights back in.

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