In the past, Burger King had the honor of having creepy TV commercials. Now, that honor has been taken over by Arby’s.
Unlike Burger King with its’ creepy mascot, the Arbys’ commercial features three guys eating their Arbys’ sandwiches. When one of the guys gets a little “sauce” on his face, another shoots out an animated long tongue to lick it off his face.
You are my inspiration , I possess few web logs and sometimes run out from to post : (.
stiri interesante si utile postate pe blogul dumneavoastra.
dar ca si o paranteza , ce parere aveti de cazarea la particulari ?
This is really a first-class subject to talk about.
Sometimes I fav stuff along the lines of this on Redit. This article probably wont do well with
that crowd. I will be sure to submit something else