Many years ago, my wife issued me a Pet Smart Pet Perks card. And, she instructed me to use it every time I shopped there.
Thinking that the card entitled me to some sort of discount, and, since I always do what my wife tells me to do, I gladly presented my card for every Pet Smart purchase. But, the other day when I was shopping at Pet Smart, I noticed that their kitty litter was a dollar more than Meijer (regional grocery chain). But, since I would be using my Pet Perk card, I was sure that I would get a discount.
However, when I checked out, I discovered that the price was still the same regardless of my card. So, this prompted me to ask the clerk about the card. She said that the card keeps track of my purchases and emails me when something that I normally buy is on sale.
That’s it?? I have been using that stupid card for 10 years just so Pet Smart can send me spam? I don’t think so. I suspect that my Pet Smart card is history.