The 4th Of July Parade.

Since Lowell doesn’t have a parade on the 4th of July, I found myself sitting on the curb in Grandville yesterday morning.  And, having attended 4th of July parades since I was just a wee lad, I pretty much knew what to expect.

So, there were the firetrucks, the military groups past, present and future, and the politicians, city, county, state and national.

Several retirement homes loaded their buses with seniors and drove the parade route.  I suppose they killed two birds with one stone.  The seniors got an outing and the homes got free advertizing.  Plus, they didn’t have to unload and load the seniors at the parade.  They just left them on the bus.

Several churches had floats with live music.  Most of them had young people playing Contemporary Christian music and advertizing a contemporary service.  But one had a bunch of old people playing blue grass music.  I am not sure what kind of a service they were advertizing.

Then, there were groups of kids marching and representing various clubs, schools and activities.  With the exception of the Speed Skaters, I could not discern which were which.

Finally at the end, there were mothers pushing strollers.  I am not sure if they a part of the parade or just looking to get ahead of the departing crowds.

Interesting enough though, there were no marching bands.  I suspect that this was due to budget cuts at schools.  Sad.  Professor Hill, where are you when we need you?!

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