When we were down on the wharf, the other day in San Francisco, we noticed that two cops and a city worker were cutting off the chain on a bicycle. The bike was chained to a lamp post and I guess that is illegal in San Francisco.
When I looked around, I noticed that there were no bike racks in the area. This surprised me. For a city that prides itself on being green, I would have thought that bike racks would be common place. Not so.
But more to the point, there were no signs prohibiting you from chaining your bike to a lamp post.
In a matter of seconds, the chain was cut and the bike removed. I am sure that the owner was shocked when he/she returned.
The funny thing is that the bike looks like it belongs to an eight year old. That’ll teach those adolescents from raising Cain on the streets of SF. I think that the cops had nothing better to do.
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