Last night, we attended the wedding and reception for two of the neighbor kids that we have known since they were in grade school. They were good friends with our kids so we saw a lot of them when they were growing up.
We pretty much knew all of the members of the wedding party, but almost none of the guests. So, when it came time for the reception, we wandered around looking for space at one of the tables.
Finally, Kathy spotted a woman that she recognized. She was the aunt of the bride and lived several blocks away. (Our kids went over to her house on occasion to go swimming in the pool.) There were only two couples at the table and they invited us to join them.
After some introduction, we struck up conversation with them. But, from time to time, the conversation took a strange turn.
For instance, Kathy commented to the woman that her new pool fence looked nice. She responded that it wasn’t her fence and then gestured towards the other couple at the table.
This response put both of us on tilt. I concluded that she must have sold the house to the other couple sitting with us at the table.
Thinking that this must have been a fairly recent transaction, I asked the other couple how long have they lived there. When he responded that he had lived there for 30 years, we were really confused.
Here was a woman that we knew had lived at that house when our kids were in school and yet, the other guy claims to have lived there for 30 years. Was he a relative of the aunt who shared the house with her?
Finally, the guy, sensing our confusion, explained that he and the aunt were in the process of getting a divorce.
Wow! The two couples seemed like old friends. I would never have guessed that they were a soon to be divorced couple with their prospective boy friend and girl friend.
Apparently, the divorce was agreeable with both parties.