The State of Michigan put up and maintains a web site listing sex offenders convicted after a certain date. If you go to and put in the city that you are looking for, it will give you a list of the sex offenders in that city. Lowell has about 30 listed sex offenders but the list only shows sex offenders convicted after a certain date so it is not complete. And it does not include sex offenses by minors.
Sex offenses occur in various degrees of severity. Some are misdemeanors while others are felonies. And not all sex offenders are sexual. Indecent exposure is a sexual offense. So is urinating in public. If you are convicted of these acts, your name and picture will be listed along with the hardcore rapists and child molesters.
If you check out the list, you might be surprised at what you will find.
The Great Barrier Reef is located approximately 30km off Cairns