Well, it was cold this morning when I got up. The thermometer read -19.9F. Close enough to -20F.  I don’t like getting out of the house when it is that cold. I am always afraid that something will break.
To take the chill off my feet as I sit and type, I decided to purchase a little electric space heater. So I headed to Meijer’s (regional grocery chain) to buy a heater. It had occurred to me that with the sudden cold snap, the selection of heaters may be limited.  Silly me. They didn’t have a single heater.  All of that stuff had been put away to make room for the patio furniture and grills. Spring is in the air even if it is -20F.
The majestic coral structures that make up the Great Barrier Reef extend over 1,500 kilometres, and are home to the greatest variety of flora and fauna species found in any one location in the world.