Witness Relocation Program?

A few years ago, an elderly couple bought our neighbors house. The couple was from out of state and had no friends or family in the area. The house that they bought was large, expensive, rather secluded with a lot of steps and five garages. Rather odd for a couple that can barely get around. Plus, they pretty much kept to themselves.

We haven’t seen him in several years. We think that he died a few years back. He had a history of heart problems. There was no notice in the paper regarding his death but since they were not apart of the community, there was no reason to do so.

Well, their house is for sale. A few weeks ago, there were about a dozen trash bags sitting along the curb waiting for pickup and a for sale sign in the yard. It was as if someone had cleaned the house out of stuff like ketchup and sugar and flour and salt and pepper, all of the basic staples of a house. We think that she has either died or has moved into a retirement community.

Still the question remains, why would someone who has no friends or family in the area move to Lowell from out of state? The house that they bought was expensive and ill suited for an elderly couple. They had no need for the 5 garages and all of the steps and since they had no need to be in the area, they would have been better served to have purchased a house elsewhere.

The only thing that might interest them about the house was the seclusion. It has to make you wonder why.

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