Oven Ready Lasagna Noodles.

OK. A year or so ago I wrote about oven ready lasagna noodles. Ever since that time, I have had over 700 hits per month on “oven ready lasagna noodles”. So, I get the feeling that this a hot topic.

So, here is the deal. If you buy oven ready lasagna noodles, you don’t have to cook them, they are already cooked, just dehydrated. You can just add them to the sauce and go from there. BUT you do have to have enough moisture in the sauce to rehydrate the noodles other wise, they will turn out crunchy or tough.

Since my lasagna pan is about an inch shorter than the noodles, I like to cook my noodles so that they are flexible when I put them in the pan. Now, since I am going to cook them anyway, I may as well get the uncooked kind since the cooking time is only 2 minutes longer than the oven ready noodles.

In short, if you use the oven ready noodles, you need to have a moist sauce. But if your sauce is too moist, the lasagna will be sloppy and if it is not moist enough, it will be tough. Rather than deal with this issue, I like to make sure that my noodles are cooked and that my sauce is firm.


2 thoughts on “Oven Ready Lasagna Noodles.

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