The Throne Room – Part 2

Prayer should be a two way street but too often, it is more of a grocery list. We tell God of our needs and problems but we don’t listen for anything from Him. So, when I pray, I sometimes quite my mind and just listen. What you are about to read is a vision that I received while listening. And no, I am not asleep

Journal date 05/25/00.  A vision in prayer.

I entered the throne room again and knelt before the throne. It instantly took off at a high rate of speed. So, I started over again in my meditation. I tried to keep the throne from moving and tried to stay in front of it. It started spinning rapidly, so I started over again in my meditation.

I decided that I was not going to be allowed to start at the beginning like I did yesterday, so I needed a compromise. I would follow the throne as long as it didn’t move too fast.

I followed the throne down the corridor. I tried to talk to the woman and the man again but was pulled away by the throne. Once again, we arrived at the golden pyramid. The throne ascended and I remained at the bottom.

I looked up at the throne and was that it was empty. I tried to take control and put Christ back on the throne but with no luck.

I suddenly realized that He was standing next to me. And, instead of being naked like I was in the past, I was now clothed in a white robe but it wasn’t radiant like His.

He picked me up and carried me up to the throne. I panicked for a moment and wondered if I was dead. I momentarily felt like I did when the Dark Night started. But, I told myself that Christ often carries us just as a shepherd carries a sheep.

As we sat on the throne, he told me how much He loved me and that I belonged to Him for ever. I asked him who all the people were and he said that they were the lost. They rejected Him in life and also in death. That is why they remain in the shadows. They are not speaking to anyone and are only waiting for the Judgment Day.

The throne began moving again down the corridor. I asked if I could do some intercessory praying and He told me that I could.

Suddenly, I was transported with Christ and the throne into a blue sky with a few clouds. We descended into a lush green forest.

At first, I thought that I was being taken into the wilderness as maybe Christ was. He told me that we were in the Garden of Eden. This really surprised me. Why the Garden I asked? He said that He wanted me to see the world without sin. I said that I am a sinner and have no place in the garden. He told me that It didn’t matter because He has paid for my sins and therefore, I am without sin.

I looked at Him and instead of seeing the white robed person, I saw a mummified body. I forced the image of the white robed Christ back into the throne again. Again, the mummy appeared and again I forced the image of the white robed Christ back into the throne. I felt that this was an effort by an evil force to control the vision. We returned to the throne room. I was tired and decided to stop for the session.

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