A 92 year old Michigan man recently burned to death in his hospital bed. Hospital staff reported finding the man at 12:30am fully engulfed in flames. Since nothing else in the room suffered any fire damage, initial investigation concluded that the fire started with the man himself. The man was not a smoker nor was oxygen in use at the time.
Since there was no immediate cause for the fire, it may have been spontaneous combustion. Talk about your original hot flashes.
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
Great weblog! I dont think Ive viewed all the angles of this topic the way in which youve pointed them out. Youre a true star, a rock star man. Youve received a whole lot to say and know a lot in regards to the topic that i feel you must just teach a class about it…HaHa!
o5dMfV Very good blog post. Great.