Today is Ducky Days in Lowell. I call it Ducky Days because they have a plastic duck race down the river. They also have a parade and fire works.
The Ducky Days event started out as just a 4th of July duck race. Each plastic duck has a number on it. Contestants rent a duck for a set fee and if their duck wins the race, they get a set amount of money.
But, as time went on, they decided to have the event on another day other than the 4th. That way, the event doesn’t have to compete with the 4th of July celebrations in other places.
So, what started out as a 4th of July celebration has now turned in to a Lowell celebration. Merchants can now sponsor a ducky sign which display their name on a street post. There is food and music and street vendors and a parade and fire works as well as the ducky race.
Driving and parking are a nightmare. The event is becoming as big as what the Gus Macker used to be. But, it does draw people into Lowell.
Unfortunately, it is raining today so the event will somewhat subdued.