The door.

Due to cramped quarters, some of the staff here at work have moved into some vacant office space across the hall.

Recently, a co-worker of mine attempted to enter the newly acquired office. When she approached the door, she pulled on the door handle but the door would not budge. It was latched.

Since our area requires an access card to unlock the door, she looked around for a card reader. There was box on the wall but it didn’t look like our normal readers. But not seeing anything else, she decided to give it a try.

She waved her card across the box expecting it to unlock the door. But, no matter how she wiggled the card in front of the box, the door remained locked.

Next, she looked for a key slot. And even though she didn’t have a key, at least she would know that a key was required for entrance. But, there was no key hole in the handle.

Confused, she turned to me and said that the door was locked. I, in turn, put my hand on the handle and rotated it 90 degrees. Then, I pulled on the handle and voilla, the door opened as if by magic.

Her confusion immediately turned into laughter. She said that it was bad enough that she had to make a fool of herself, but why did she have to do it in front of people?

If you make a fool out of your self and no one sees it, did it happen?

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