Turkey Giblet Gravy

On the wall, next to our refrigerator, hangs a small white board. The white board mainly serves as a grocery list reminder. If we run out of something or notice that something is getting low, we write it on the white board. Then, on Saturday, I transfer the items from the white board to a grocery list and then head to the store to purchase the items.

Last Saturday, Kathy had “four turkey giblet gravy” written down. I assumed that this was dry turkey giblet gravy mix. Since I had grilled a turkey breast recently, I figured the gravy was to be used for the turkey.

When I got to the instant gravy section, I discovered that there was no turkey giblet gravy. They only had plain turkey gravy.

Now, I am notorious for grabbing the wrong items off of the shelf. So, I scanned the shelves throughly. When I confirmed that they only had plain gravy, I picked up the requested four packages and put them in the cart.  Either they were out of turkey giblet gravy or it doesn’t exist.

Kathy does get upset with me when I make substitutes. So, when I got home, I made a point in telling Kathy that they did not have turkey giblet gravy mix so I got just plain turkey gravy. After all, it was better to tell her upfront than to have her discover it later on.

When I told her about the gravy, she didn’t seem concerned. In fact, she seemed totally uninterested. Odd.

Later during the day, she asked me if I had purchased the cat food that she had requested. Cat food? What cat food? Why the turkey giblet gravy cat food that she had written down on the white board.

The white board is good but it lacks in a few areas.

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