Jimmy Johns’

Today, I decided to walk downtown to get a Jimmy Johns’ (gourmet sub shop) for lunch.  Since I had a meeting at 12:30, I got headed out at 11 to beat the lunch time rush.

When I got within a block of Jimmy Johns’ I noticed a crowd standing on the side walk.  Since the sub shop is near the Capitol, I assumed that these were protestors of some sort.  But, the closer that I got, I realized that the crowd went around the corner and on down the street.

Well, as it turns out, these weren’t protestors, this was a line waiting to get into Jimmy Johns’!!  Wow!  Once I realized that this was a line, I did a quick count.  There were about 600 people  by my count.  And, they all had Jimmy Johns’ menus in their hands.

Now, while I didn’t know where all of these people had come from, I did know that I didn’t have time to wait in line.  So, I went on down the street.

When I got back to work I mentioned the crowd to my co-workers.  They told me that Jimmy Johns’ was running a one day special.  They were selling some of their subs for only $1.

While I can appreciate a “good deal”, I am not willing to wait in line for an hour.  Besides, the subs that were on sale are not the ones that I would normally buy, sale or no sale.

The Chinese buffet was very good.

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