Durum Bread, Part 1

I really love homemade bread.  Unfortunately, most breads are high in carbohydrates.  So, my low carb diet doesn’t afford me this pleasure very often.

But then, I ran across a recipe which used Durum wheat flour to make a low carb bread.    Cool, all I need is some Durum wheat flour, water, yeast, salt and oil and I am good to go.  And, since I already had everything I needed except for the Durum wheat flour, I could practically taste that warm bread.

A quick check on line for Durum wheat flour showed me that King Arthur brand makes a Durum wheat flour.  And, since Meijer (regional grocery chain) carries a lot of King Arthur flour, I felt that they would certainly have Durum wheat flour.

When I got to the store, I discovered that there was over a dozen kinds of King Arthur flour, but no Durum wheat flour.  A further check of other brands revealed a wide selection of exotic flours but again no Durum wheat flour.  I did find some Durum semolina which caused me to recheck the selection again, but no luck.  Then it occurred to me to check the international foods isle.  In doing so, I found Durum couscous and Durum semolina, but no Durum flour.  Rats!  Time to check out Grand Rapids.





4 thoughts on “Durum Bread, Part 1

  1. Ned, Did you try King Milling Company there in Lowell? They might have it there.
    It would be worth a phone call.

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