With its wide ethnic diversity, certainly Grand Rapids would have Durum wheat, but where do I begin to look. Since health food stores, carry a lot of unusual products, I decided to check them out first.
When I entered the store, I found a whole isle devoted to various grain products. Great! I found red wheat flour, spelt flour, oat flour, rye flour, and flour made from an assortment of nuts and berries. But, no Durum flour. So, I decided to ask a clerk.
The clerk was easy to spot since he was the one wearing the shoes made from recycled grass clipping. When he assured me that semolina was the same as flour, I decided to move on to my next store.
Since Durum wheat is used in making pasta, my next stop was the local Italian import store. And while they carry almost every type of pasta, they also carry pasta making equipment. So I figured that in order to make pasta you need pasta ingredients. So, sure enough, not only did they carry semolina, they also carried Durum flour. Yes! I was finally on my way to making bread from Durum wheat flour.