The Slow Leak.

A couple of weeks after getting my new tires, I noticed a slow leak in one of them.  But, rather than take it in, I just kept putting air in the tire.  Eventually, the weather got to be too bad to be outside and since I had full hazard insurance on the tires, I decided to just take it in and get it fixed.

When I got to the tire store, I learned that there would be up to a three hour wait.  But I came prepared.  Not only did I bring a book to read, I had a sub delivered to the tire store at lunch time.  So, I read until my lunch arrived, ate lunch and got in a nice little nap all before my car was ready.  Time management at its best.

First Come, First Serve.

Last fall, I decided that I needed new tires before winter.  So I went to the local tire store and purchased a set of four.  But it wasn’t until I paid for them that I learned of the three hour wait.  Three hours!!!  I wondered if some of the staff were on vacation. Fortunately, I brought along some reading material to pass the time.

Hey Cher.

Canada is concerned that 20% of the current population consists of immigrants and that maybe they should limit those numbers before it reached 30%.  So, if you are a “Yank” who is planning to move to Canada, you had better hurry before the borders close.